Top 6 work at home jobs to make a steady income

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Working from home is becoming the new normal pretty fast. It saves the employer’s money since they don’t need to rent office space. It also saves time for the employees because they don’t need to commute. In the end, it opens up an entirely new job market. You don’t even have to be officially employed to work from home. All in all, there are a lot of ways work at home jobs are improving our lives.

To begin doing a work at home job, you don’t even have to e employed. You can be a freelancer and work from home with ease. All you need is a computer and a quiet space in your home. So, get your computer ready, set up a productive home office, and let’s get started.

1. Data Entry

Entering data from a source to a different medium is very easy. If you can read and type, you can do it. Data entry jobs are also easy to find and easy to do. You can visit any job-posting platform and you’ll find a ton of data entry jobs. Also, you can do data entry no matter where you are. Whether you’re at home or sitting at the beach, you can enter data.

The downside is that these jobs won’t make you a lot of money. Since they are easy to do and require little skill, you won’t get paid a lot for them. In addition to this, they can get pretty old, pretty fast. Copying data from one format to another isn’t very exciting.

It’s one of those online jobs you can do as a college student. You’ll make some disposable income and it won’t take too much time away from your studies.


  • One of the easiest work at home jobs.
  • A lot of job opportunities.
  • You can do it from anywhere.


  • You won’t make a lot of money.
  • It gets boring pretty fast.

2. Writing work at home jobs

Writing is an up-and-coming profession of the 21st century. It has many shapes and forms and all of them can help you earn money by working from home. Even though the most popular writing work at home jobs are related to marketing these days, there is a ton of other writing jobs you can do. Writing jobs are perfect if you’re a creative person who likes to express yourself in writing.

2.1. Copywriter

Most writing jobs these days have to do with marketing. Copywriting and content writing help draw customers to your clients’ websites. To do these jobs, you’ll need to have an excellent command of written English. If you’re writing in another language, you’ll need to have a good knowledge of that language. Also, having some skills in Search Engine Optimization will help you land a better job.

On the other hand, copywriting is the least creative of all the writing jobs we will mention here. It even has the word “copy” in the name. You’ll mostly rephrase other people’s writing for marketing purposes.


  • A lot of job opportunities.
  • Income will depend on your skills. This means you can make a lot of money if you’re good at writing.


  • The competition is fierce
  • The job is constantly evolving and changing.

2.2. Review writer

Do you have an opinion no matter the topic? Do you like to share your thoughts with the world?

If the answer is yes, then review writing is the job for you. This job is similar to being a critic. The difference is that you won’t write critics for a specific newspaper or magazine. No, you’ll write your reviews on Google.

When doing this job you might have to paraphrase other people’s reviews to make them more readable. It will take a lot of time and work to make serious money with this job. But, it is pretty easy to od and you can express your creativity through it.


  • Easy and fun to do.
  • You just need to write your opinions in a creative and interesting way.


  • It takes a lot of time to earn money.
  • You’ll need to put in some work before people start reading your reviews.

2.3. Ghostwriter

Ghostwriters put to words other people’s thoughts. If someone wants to create a book but has no writing skills, they hire a ghostwriter. This is a well-paid job. It will allow you to express yourself creatively and show off your writing skills.

But, working with someone else on their book is difficult. It can cause a lot of professional friction. This means that it takes longer than usual to write any content.


  • Allows you to express your creativity.
  • It’s well-paid most of the time.


  • Creative differences are frequent and difficult to overcome.

2.4. Blogger

This is the most creative of all the writing work at home jobs. You can write about anything on your blog. You should make sure you write about something you know very well, though. This will ensure that you have a lot of content. Also, it will be easier to write when you don’t need to research every topic you write about. Finally, people won’t read your blog if you don’t know what you’re writing about.


  • Write about anything you want and like.
  • Super easy to start and keep doing.


  • It will take a lot of time before you can monetize your blog.
  • Finding constant inspiration to write is difficult.

3. Doing online surveys as a work at home job

If you don’t mind answering some questions online, then completing online surveys is the work at home job for you. All you need to do is set up an account on a reliable survey website and you’re good to go. You’ll receive emails when there’s a survey for you. Businesses and researchers use these websites to get information. They use this data to launch new products or write research papers.

You won’t have to worry about anyone abusing your information. It is protected and only your answers are shared while you remain anonymous.


  • It’s easy and takes very little time.
  • You don’t need any skills.


  • It takes a lot of time to earn serious money.
  • Sometimes there won’t be a survey for you for a few weeks.

4. Make and sell a course from home

If you’re looking to generate recurring income from your home one of the best solutions is to make an online course. While this takes a lot of time, it pays off manyfold in the long run. To make a course, you’ll need to know a topic very well. The best part is that when you set up a course once, you don’t need to touch it again. And you’ll still earn money from it.

But, to make sure your course sells well, you’ll need to post it on a well-known platform. There are ways you can promote your course without a platform, but they’re unreliable. Unless you already have a loyal audience, you’ll need to partner up with someone who can spread the word about your course.


  • A course generates passive income. You won’t have to lift a finger you’ll earn money.
  • It’s fun and you’ll learn a lot while teaching.


  • You need to have in-depth knowledge of the topic.
  • You will need help promoting it.

5. Programming is one of the best-paid work at home jobs

These days everyone needs a good programmer. Everything from apps to ATMs works using some type of code. This is why programmers are well paid no matter where they work. Also, this is why many of them can work from home. Since it pays so well, many people are trying to qualify for this job, So, you’ll need to stand out if you want to get hired. But, once you get there you will have one of the best-paid work at home jobs.


  • Good pay.
  • A lot of opportunities for employment.


  • Competition is fierce.
  • The learning curve is pretty steep.

6. Marketing work at home jobs

Marketing jobs are prolific these days. It seems that no matter where you turn, there is an ad. Drawing people’s attention to your client’s product is what helps sell it. And there are a lot of products that need selling these days. So, there are a lot of marketing positions that allow you to do just that. And most of them you can do from home.

In addition to this, there are a couple of marketing jobs that let you set up some recurring revenue sources. For example affiliate marketing requires a lot to set up. But once you’ve got it, you’ll be making money with next to no effort.

Pros of marketing work at home jobs:

  • It’s easy to find a job.
  • It’s interesting and dynamic.

The cons of marketing jobs:

  • Strategies are constantly evolving. You need to keep up with the times.
  • It’s just not for some people. 

The jobs we mentioned aren’t the only ones out there. They’re just the ones we believe will provide a steady income proportional to the effort you invest. There are many others that will do just as well, but didn’t make the cut. So, here are some honorable mentions:

  • Editor
  • Programmer
  • Tutor
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Graphic Designer
  • Translator
  • Transcriber
  • Recruiter