Create Free Website and Earn Money – Top 9 Tips

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Things we do today were unimaginable for a couple of decades or so. What’s more, even today, people don’t know about things that could make their lives easier. For instance, you can create a free website and earn money. Yeah, this is what some people are doing.

Of course, things are never that simple. Firstly, this is usually done for getting some income on the side. It’s pretty hard to make a good living with this model. If you want to get serious about it, you should invest.

But getting a free website and learning how to earn money through it is a start! This method will allow you to test the waters and see what works for you. Then decide whether you’ll keep this method or invest in something more serious.

With that said, we’ll focus on the free website model. Here are some of the ways how you can make money with this concept. Sure, you won’t exactly become a millionaire. But it will get you some decent income on the side.

Just bear one thing in mind. If you want a free website, it will be a subdomain of a bigger one.  This means that you won’t be able to get a regular website with your desired full name. So if you’re joining Blogger, the website link would look like this:

Starting a Blog

The easiest way to start is to create a blog. In fact, whatever you do online, you’ll need a flow of content. The best way to engage with people is to create quality blog posts.

But even if you’re just doing a blog, you can still earn money through it. There are a few great services that offer free blog pages.  Aside from WordPress, you can also use Blogger, Wix, and even Medium, depending on the topics that you cover.

Now, monetization models are different. But the simplest one is to include sponsored content within the article.

Either way, having a blog focused on a certain scope of topics is always welcome. With enough attention and proper SEO optimization, you’ll get the word out there.

Support It With Social Media

Now, having a website is something everyone can do. But there’s a downside. People spend most of their time on social media. They don’t go digging through multiple Google search pages so that they can find you.

The competition in almost any field these days is rough. Therefore, having social media channels is a must. Choosing the right social media depends on what you’re doing. But Instagram and even Facebook are where most people are.

If you spend enough time posting quality content, you’ll also promote your website. You can do it organically, meaning that there are no paid ads involved.

But if you want to speed things up, you can always do sponsored posts. These will attract more followers and would give you more views in the long run. With more people following your blog, it gets easier to monetize it and earn something.

Find a Proper Niche

But having a blog and social media makes no sense without a proper scope of topics. If you don’t know what to focus on, then don’t start a website. Sure, we’d all love to make a living from our own website. But there’s no point in just starting something if you don’t know what it will be about.

Therefore, you’ll need a proper niche. If you’re interested in travel and history, do a blog about that. Or you might be doing obscure movie reviews. Pretty much any topic comes to mind and the possibilities are endless. It’s just important that you focus on something.

With that said, some specific niches are potentially more lucrative than others. But this something that you’ll have to research yourself. Besides, it’s really hard to determine this so you’ll need to follow new trends.

The best idea is always to do what you’re interested in. After all, you’re supposed to get a following. And if you know about the stuff you’re publishing, you’ll know what people will want to see.

Using Google Adsense

Here’s where things get interesting. In order to monetize your website or any content, you can use Adsense. Technically, you’re offering space on your free website as a billboard. And Google’s Adsense is here to help you with this.

In short, they’ll show various ads on your website. And you’ll get some profit from the purchases made through these ads.

This is one of the most common methods for monetizing your content. It’s not that hard to set up. And with the right approach, you can earn some decent money through Adsense.

Affiliate Marketing

Another method for monetizing your free website is through affiliate links. Essentially, the process includes putting product links into your content. And when a visitor clicks on the link and makes a purchase in that session, you get paid.

Of course, commissions are small. But if you sell enough things through your website, you can earn decent money. The method is very useful for websites focusing on specific products. But almost any niche and topic can include affiliate links.

A lot of online retailers have affiliate links. The biggest one is Amazon. Their affiliate model can be applied to almost any website. After all, they offer pretty much anything. It goes from minor cosmetic products to super-rare antique stuff.

Just make sure that product links are there in the right context. Your content and these links should make sense with one another. You can’t just put anything in there.

Audio Hosting Website

One of the popular ways to earn through websites is to do audio hosting. This is super useful for some independent creators. And it can be about music or any other audio content.

For instance, you have a lot of people who want to host podcasts. Of course, it would take time to grow your name. But you could start a free website and use it for audio hosting. And then, you can charge them directly and earn some money this way.

Add Paid Memberships or Exclusive Content

A lot of people have blogs. A lot of people read different blogs. Competition is at a high level and it gets hard to break on the market. But once you do, people will flock to your website.

This is something that you can use to your advantage. With the bigger and more loyal following, offer some exclusive content. You can create special membership models and charge for them.

Of course, this exact model depends on the type of content you’re making. This works the best if you’re an independent artist.

You can offer your users an option to see exclusive stuff as members. Or, you can even sell them merch. Whatever you decide, there’s an abundance of options here. Just make something that would fit your type of work.

Start an eCommerce Business

For the past several years, eCommerce has been gaining more attention. Both businesses and buyers are going with this model. It’s easy to use, it’s reliable, and you have plenty of options.

With that said, you can earn from an eCommerce store on your free website. Are you interested in starting a business with minimal investment? Then this is the way to go.

The best thing about eCommerce is that it can be applied to almost any type of product. For instance, you can even sell your own hand-made products. Or, you can start some of the print-on-demand businesses.

The classic dropshipping methods have opened up new doors. You can do business without actually making anything by yourself.

Whatever You Do, Be Patient and Persistent

Finally, you should always be persistent. Sure, this sounds like a cliché. But you’d be surprised how true it is.

Starting an internet-based business is attractive to many. But it’s far from a simple task than it might seem at first. In fact, you’ll encounter numerous issues along the way. And you’ll be demotivated by it all.

The main idea is to be persistent. It takes months and sometimes even years to get things going. But once you do, you’ll be set for one very lucrative business.

But barely any of the online businesses have become successful overnight. It always took a lot of time, patience, and effort to get a steady income. But although hard, it’s far from an impossible task.

Look, there’s no simple formula to success. Especially not with internet business. But as we discussed, find a niche and stick to it. If it’s good, keep working on it and you’ll get there.

If the website isn’t making money right away, just keep pushing forward. Always backtrack and think about what else you could do. It may feel tiresome, but the results are always very rewarding.